CPF Update
Our first CPF debate took place on 22nd February 2017 in which 21 members and supporters came together to discuss the Cost of Living and ways in which the Government should/could help to reduce the costs or limit their increase. There were some varied views in what was an enjoyable event. You can download a copy of our Association’s submission and the Government’s response on the right (below for mobile users).
– Please note that policy forum discussion briefs exist to stimulate debate. They do not represent the views of the Conservative Party.
Next event:
The next forum is set to take place in early February 2018, in which members and supporters will have the chance to discuss Jobs & Skills. This policy forum event is open to members and supporters from across the three Medway Constituencies.
Our Next Topic: Jobs and Skills
Date: TBC
Time: TBC
Location: TBC
– Pending – Briefing Document
– Pending – Powerpoint Slides
– Pending – Workbook (The questions needing answers)
What do you discuss?
Other than issues requested by the Government, groups can choose to hold meetings to discuss legislation currently being considered by Parliament, specific local concerns or a current Government consultation. We then report our conclusions to the local MP and/or other local elected representatives for a response or consideration for policy.
Who can join?
Our CPF is open to all members of the Conservative Party in Medway. Non-members are welcome attend our meetings, however we ask that they are supporters of the Party and/or they are known by a member of the Party in any of the three Medway constituencies. if you are not a member but would like to join the Conservatives then you can join us online.
Jan 2017; Cost of Living
You can view/download a copy of our response which was sent to the Government here.
You can view/download a copy of the Government’s response here.